
Stinging Nettle Fruit (urtica dioica)

£35.00 £34.99

Do you need more energy?


The greens of this plant are well used in Central Europe as a vegetable. Especially as it is the first new green to shoot out of the ground after a prolonged period of snow and frozen temperatures.

What is less well understood these days is the remarkable properties of Stinging Nettle fruit.  It struck me as odd that such a well-protected plant would simply give up its fruit with almost no concern – the plants are laden with fruit from July onwards, which can just be picked and eaten as you walk.  But, the plant is crafty.  You cannot simply eat as much as you like of this very abundant and nutritious crop.

The Roman poet Ovid, writing in ARTIS AMATORIAE mentions that stinging nettle fruit was used as an aphrodisiac by the Romans:

“Aut piper urticae mordacis semine miscent,
Tritaque in annoso flava pyrethra mero;”

In these lines from his book “The Art of Love” he says that pepper or stinging nettle seeds are used,  mixed in some chamomile flavoured white wine.

Eating stinging nettle fruit provides a rush of energy and the ability to stay awake.


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